Commentaire du sūtra de la pousse de riz (śhālistamba sūtra) par Vén. Guéshé Dorji Damdul
Vén. Gueshé Damdul
Traducteur de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama et directeur du Tibet House à Delhi où il instruit plusieurs programmes d’étude approfondie, le Vénérable Géshé Damdul est un érudit et un pratiquant accompli du Bouddhisme indo-tibétain. Ses compétences pédagogiques font de lui un enseignant remarquable et sincèrement apprécié en divers endroits du globe. Guéshé Damdoul enseigne directement en anglais et il sera traduit en français par Vénérable Jinpa (Christophe Humblot). Le soutra est disponible en français dans cette ouvrage que vous pouvez acheter en ligne pour 7 euros ici:
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Commentary of the Rice Seedling Sūtra (Śhālistamba Sūtra) by Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul
The Buddha's teaching invites us to think critically about how we can escape suffering after determining its causes.Indeed, happiness is not an absolute and suffering is not inevitable: as results, they lie at the heart of causality, and it is this relationship of effects with their corresponding causes that the compassionate Buddha teaches us in order to show us with great pragmatism the path to the total cessation of suffering and to the unsurpassable happiness of Enlightenment.This Sūtra evokes a double causality - external and internal - and it is the latter that reveals how we are immersed in cyclic suffering, but also how we can definitively stop its recurrence and then progress towards spiritual perfection for the sake all beings.
Ven. Geshe Damdul
As a translator of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and director of the Tibet House in Delhi where he teaches several programmes of in-depth study, Venerable Geshe Damdul is a scholar and an accomplished practitioner of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. His teaching skills make him a remarkable and sincerely appreciated teacher in various parts of the world.You can download the English translation of the sutra here: Noble Mahayana Sutra.pdf?dl=0